Sunday, July 02, 2006

Zizou & Co.

Stayed home all day; literally didn't take one step outside the door, and just did some reading and writing (including some blogging), and savored the beautiful display of football from last night by Zizou and his friends. I watched most of the first half at the Aprés Bar in the MoE; but as the sound was hardly audible I ended up migrating with my friend D to the main floor's Evory Lounge, where we watched the whole game. Brazil was not in its form and almost completely neutralized by a very effective French defense. France played a better and more deservedly winning game, and I was glad they won. For once at least one team wins fairly and squarely in this crazy championship. I'm now looking forward to see Zidane and company in action for at least one more game, if not for a repetition of the 1998 coup de'fifa.
And yes, the other game, England vs. Portugal? I must say it was so boring and artless (and scoreless) that I almost already forgot about it. If games have some minimum performance requirement (based on some point system over different aspects of play) that teams must meet every game to stay in the competition, I'd think both teams would've been out last night. England deserved to be out, but I think to be fair Portugal should have exited too. But again, who said there was fairness in football?


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