First Post
This is a first post to test the waters. It's getting late and I will have to come back to this at some point soon, maybe during the weekend, to get it really going. The temperature today around noon time just soared, with dust in the air and oppressive cloudy skies above. It was as if the summer just arrived, riding the
shamal on a carpet of Arabian sand and hot air. And I had to remind myself, it's only April! Imagine what it's going to be like three months from now? Yes, I can imagine. I've already seen it seven times during seven summers in Dubai. I guess you could say that I'm a veteran expat now! Is this good or bad news? Well, if you ask me, I'll probably give you different answers on different days. In some ways, I hope this blog will be a sort of random documentation of the questions and answers that define (or plague) my life in Dubai. Contrary to conventional wisdom, nothing should be taken for granted in this city of the rising sun, gleaming towers, shrinking deserts, and the most bewildering mix of people, mostly living parallel existences and occasionally meeting or colliding.