Thursday, August 17, 2006

New Dubai Cities - 1

The city-themed city doesn't seem to have enough of them, no matter how they multiply. Very soon we might run out of names; so this is my modest way of helping by suggesting some new Dubai cities to build; they range from tiny low-cost ones to multi-billion dollar mega projects. This is the first one (and hopefully to be followed by more later):

Shopping Mall City

I know, I know, some people will say that we already have it and it's called Dubai; but I plead with you to see the difference. Just imagine all the malls of Dubai plus another 20 or 30 new malls right next to each other in one area! No more hassle, and you get truly infinite choices. You can just walk from Burjuman to Mazaya to Ghurair to Ibn Battuta to Oasis (ooops, soryy this is no more, maybe a New Oasis) to City Centre to Bin Sougat to Mall of the Emirates, etc. You maximize your shopping experience and you minimize the energy and time wasted in driving around from one mall to another.

Suggested location: A new artificial island off shore; so the name should probably be: Mall Island or Palm Shopping Mall. I’d say no demolition or rebuilding is necessary; there are companies that specialize in the moving of huge buildings using new technology, so this could be done with relative ease by simply dragging the existing shopping malls to the new prime location. If this doesn't work, no problem, just build brand new malls and use the mall building we have now around Dubai for parking; an extra benefit that would be greatly appreciated.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Books They Should Write

Here is a list of Israeli leaders and their most likely future book projects, inspired by their careers and experiences. Sorry I have no time to actually produce or design the covers; may be in the future. Also I'll have more titles released as soon as we confirm other leaders' books contrats; so stay posted!

Shimon Peres: The Grapes of Wrath: An Introduction to Israeli Wine-Making

Ehud Olmert: Dismantled: How t Destroy A Country in 24 Hours and Feel Good About It!

Amir Preretz: The Idiot: A Biography

Tzipi Livni: The Bridges of Beirut County: Memoirs of A Smitten Woman

Ariel Sharon: The Seven Habits of Highly Destructive People: A Personal Manual

Shaul Mofaz: Mofaz Bites: 101 Ways to Barbecue Arabs!

Benyamin Netanyahu: Terrorizing Terror: Tearing Terra Terroristic Terror in Territorial Tartar Tehran Terrain Terrier Terrorism!

Haim Ramon: Justice Served: Why Ten Eyes for One is Beautiful

Dan Halutz: The Official Jet-fighter’s Guide to the Galaxy: Zen and the Art of Carpet Bombing

Ehud Barak: La Femme Fatale: Perverts and the Secrets of Killers in Disguise

Roni Bar-On: Coping With Katyushas: Surviving 200 Rockets A day and Looking Great

Dan Gillerman: How To Learn Bullshit In 7 Days (And Speak It Like A Diplomat)